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West Virginia 2nd Amendment Update

With the ChinaJoeBiden fraudulent "administration" focusing as hard as possible on eliminating the Second Amendment, many states are finally starting to realize the power of nullification and that the states, in fact, have far more power than many have understood.

Below is courtesy of my younger brother.


Here is a summary of ten Pro-Second Amendment Bills that are working their way through the West Virginia House of Delegates:

There are another seven working through the West Virginia Senate (Summary Forthcoming), for a total of 17 Pro-Second Amendment Bills in total.

Given the impending Federal overreach with respect to the 2nd Amendment the three most impactful bills are HB 2216, 2159 & 2537, followed closely by 2197. Others are impactful as well, though absent a national impact if they were to pass.

If you are a West Virginia resident you can locate your House of Delegates Member here: to encourage them to vote in favor of the bills.


House Bill: 2042 - Elimination Of Sales Tax On Firearms and Ammunition Full Bill PDF:

House Bill 2216 - Right To Keep and Bear Arms Act

Summary: Nullification of CURRENT & FUTURE State & Federal Firearms Laws

House Bill: 2159 & 2537- Preservation Of The Right To Keep and Bear Arms

Summary: Nullification of Federal Firearms Laws and Executive Orders Full Bill PDF:

House Bill: 2197 - West Virginia Firearms Freedom Act Summary: Exemption of firearms, a firearm accessory or ammunition manufactured and retained in West Virginia, from federal regulation under the Commerce Clause of the Constitution of the United States.

House Bill: 2275 & House Bill 2376 - Eliminate Restriction To Carry Firearms on the State Capital Complex Grounds Full Bill PDF:

House Bill: 2364 - Permitting Teachers K-12 To Carry Firearms Full Bill PDF:

House Bill: 2499 - Tax Credits For Firearms and Ammunition Manufacture in WV Full Bill PDF:

House Bill: 2597 - Prohibiting county airport authorities from making or adopting rules prohibiting possession of firearms in public Full Bill PDF:


Lock and load people....



February 21, 2021, 13:10 EST

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