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Trump Wasn’t Really Shot

A collection of posts exposing how the assassination attempt on Trump at Butler, PA was all staged theatrics.


Y’all are not going to like this post one bit, but I need to put it up.  In my opinion, Trump was not shot on July 13, it was all staged.  Below are at least a dozen and a half articles, videos, or social media posts that once one digests them all, the inescapable conclusion is just as I stated.  I’ll comment on a few, but I encourage the reader to watch and read all with an open mind.

Keep in mind that I am a registered independent, and have been my entire adult life (at least that is my recollection).  I was too young, by about seven months, to vote for Regan in 1980.  I was still in college for the midterms, and had just moved to the San Jose metropolitan area in July of 1984.  For the election that year, I recall reading “non-partisan,” literature on potential candidates that was published by the National Organization of Women.  I put quotes around non-partisan, because looking back with the perspective of forty years, I’m not sure that it was actually so.  I do remember splitting my vote on occasion.


Keep in mind also, that I volunteered for the Cabarrus County, NC RNC in the summer of 2016 knocking door to door on the weekends taking pre-election surveys.  The main reason I did so was that I could not stomach the thought of Hillary getting elected, and I thought that Trump would actually appoint some conservation/textualist supreme court justices.  Well, hindsight is always 20/20.  I went to the Trump rally in Charlotte, on August 16, 2016.  I met Eric and Lara Trump on September 28, and I voted for Trump that year.  Roxette and I went to the rally in Charlotte on March 2, 2020, watching on the jumbotrons outside of the Bojangles Coliseum.  We voted for him in 2020.  I was on the Capitol steps on January 6, 2021.


Despite all that, I have been increasingly unhappy with Trump, especially after I began chasing down the money and politics behind COVID, and his actions, or inactions concerning the entire debacle, which is a subject for an entirely different day.  However, for the interested reader, do a search on “Trump” at Brownstone and start reading.  There are other issues too, such as his recent pick for vice president.  But let’s get to the subject at hand.

I first learned of the incident last Saturday while sitting in the cockpit at Philadelphia.  We were just about to run the before start checklist, when I picked up my phone to put in in airplane mode and focus on the task at hand.  Roxette had text me about the shooting.  I replied to her that “OMG!  The left-tards are trying to start a civil war.”  I showed her text to the gent I was flying with and commented, “It’s a false flag.”  And then I went down rabbit holes over the next week and a half.


One of the first posts I made was a repost of the Conservative Treehouse repost of a video of the “sniper” who supposedly took out Mathew Thomas Crooks.  Notice how the “sniper” takes his eye off the target then, retakes aim to immediately fire.  Notice the angle of the rifle on the second two shots.



Next was a post by Robert Malone, pointing out the initial Main Stream Media (MSM) headlines of the event, such as “Trump escorted away after loud noises at Pa. rally.”  Really now?


Next was an excellent summary by Jim Crewshaw, The Trump evidence is starting to come in. It is looking like a deep state fake.  Although I already had suspicions, after watching this video, I commented when posting,


For your consideration...  And if you don't think they will stage shit, go back and read my article about #AshliBabbitt
Regardless if this was an actual #assassination attempt or a stage event, the important thing to remember is that the #puppetmaster (s) WANT us #divided, they want us at each other's throats, they want #war, especially a #USA Civil War.   Stay calm, cool, and collected, and prepare accordingly.

There were two more reposts, one by @Lukewearechange and one by @Squawk55, both discussing the supposed breakdown in security.


Then we started to see reports that Crooks wasn’t actually the shooter.  I posted this picture and the associated comments below:


Apparently even Brave AI has figured out that MSM lies and that Maxwell Yearick was the actual shooter.  On the left, the search results on Yearick using Brave, which immediately populates with the AI answers.  On the right, those on Crooks, although you have to check the "Answer with AI" box and scroll down just a bit to get those.


Then there is this most excellent article, Trump "Assassination Attempt": I Call Bullshit, by Rima E Laibow, MD discussing the lack physiology of the ear and the lack of blood on Trump’s ear, hand, face, and shirt. 




Then there is the curious case of Corey Comperatore.  Look at the photos in this post, where I initially commented,

 Sooo, something doesn't add up about the narrative concerning the supposed victim of the Trump shooting, Corey Comperatore.
The Facebook screenshots were sent to me on Monday morning. Apparently, he had several profiles, but of course, those profiles have now been scrubbed. The comments from his obituary, I pulled early Tuesday morning. These, too, have been removed. His Twitter/X profile is still up, as of 10:22 Thursday.
Note, especially, his post with the tickets to "Sound of Freedom," which was released on July 4, 2023. The date on the tickets is cut off a bit, but you can still see that it is the same as the release date. HOWEVER, the date of the post is Dec 15, 2021! Someone in Spookville got sloppy!
Things that make you go, 🤔



For what it’s worth, here is a "news" report of the funeral.  But concerning Mr. Comperatore's "death," here is a video by @C3PMeme; I find extremely curious that he stopped filming just seconds prior to the supposed shot.

Watch carefully the behavior of the "state troopers" who supposedly work on saving Comperatore.  If he was indeed dead, they would not have moved the body as it was now a crime scene and proper forensic analysis would need to be done.  If he was still alive, they might have moved him prior to EMT arrival, even if the site had not yet been secured first.  There’s no sign that it was.  But if he still was alive, and had been shot in the head, why would the carry him out in such a clumsy way?  However, they wanted you to believe that he was dead as they draped a bandana over his head prior to moving him.  Slow it down to ¼ speed and check out how the actor is holding his head up as they carry him off.  Oh and, by the way, 

The black guy with the fake blood on his white shirt is Rico Elmore, he holds the office of Rochester Borough Council - Ward 2 (until December 31, 2025).


Thanks to @Lateralus1 on Gab for pointing that out.  More from her directly.



Even the ever Trump faithful Sundance over at The Conservative Treehouse, was starting to find holes in the narrative about Crooks.


By the time I posted those posts about Comperatore and Crooks on July 18, I had pretty much seen enough and had to get some work done at our orchard that we recently planted.  I got all the mulching done that I wanted to, but rain and a pulled right oblique thwarted me from getting the jungle around the trees mowed, so back down the rabbit holes I went over the last few days.


Speaking of the wound, doesn’t this statement by Congressman Ronny Jackson, MD concerning Trump’s ear wound read just a little suspicious?  Why is there a statement from him and not the treating physician at Butler Memorial, which is only 15 minutes away from the venue, Butler Farm Show, Inc.?



From Peggy Hall, a most excellent discussion, Strange Things About the Trump “Shooting” and follow-up, The "DUMBEST" Thing I've Ever Done?  I’m going to repost her twenty questions from Strange Things here:


1.       Where is the bullet that “pierced” Trump’s ear?
2.       How was that bullet not recovered?
3.       What about the other bullets?
4.       Why is there no blood on Trump’s collar?
5.       Why no blood on Trump’s hand/raised fist?
6.       Why did the blood on Trump’s face and ear remain bright red instead of changing color, as blood does when it oxidizes (turns more orange/brown)?
7.       Why did Trump’s shoes come off? Why did he make such a big deal of putting his shoes back on before leaving the stage? Does that seem realistic to you? If you were under attack, would you be thinking about taking time to put your shoes back on? (Hint: I’ll be doing a separate video about the Masonic ritual of removing your shoes on Holy Ground.)
8.       Why weren’t others injured in the crowd when those shots were fired?
9.       Why did the people in the crowd not appear terrified, running or crouching?
10.   How did the people in the crowd know there was not any lingering threat or any more shooters?
11.   Why did some of those standing behind Trump look like characters in a movie?
12.   Why were there so few people at the event?
13.   How did the alleged shooter get on a nearby roof with a clear line of sight to Trump, carrying a large weapon, without anyone noticing?
14.   How did only one witness come forward saying he tried to alert the secret service by waving his hands? Why no phone call to 911? Why no cellphone footage of the shooter? If he was concerned about a man with a rifle on a rooftop, why didn’t he seek cover himself? How did he know the shooter would target Trump and not the crowd?
15.   How did this eye witness contact the media to share his story? Why does he look so goofy in that orange hat? Why is he holding a can or drink cover that says “WANTED” on it? Does his t-shirt logo STICK CITY Brewing Company have any hidden meaning? Isn’t it strange that he is gesturing with this can in his hand? Where did he get it? How was he able to hold onto it in all the commotion? Is he giving off the “Duper’s Delight” vibes to you? Does he seem authentic, believable, convincing — or like a character put there to push a narrative?
16.   What about the other witnesses? Do they seem believable to you? Were they reading from a prepared script? Trying to remember their lines?
17.   Isn’t that a convenient name for the alleged shooter, Crooks?
18.   Why do the shooters at these events always end up dead? Could it be so that they can’t tell their side of the story? Or go to trial? Isn’t that a bit strange?
19.   How did the media know so much about Crooks? Where did they get his photo? How did they know about the DNA? Doesn’t DNA take some time to analyze? Why was Crooks in the FBI database to begin with?
20.   Why was Crooks in a Blackstone-produced TV commercial? Is he an actor? Was he paid for his role in this scripted production? Who first uncovered this advertisement? Why is there a discrepancy in the photos of Crooks?


More from @Lateralus1 on Gab.  First a post about all the crisis actors, which include 8 videos from "witnesses."  Next, a post with six videos, the first four of which specifically break down the fakery.  The next four deal with various aspects of the event, including the shoe issue, which sheds light on why Trump told the "agents" four times, "Let me get my shoes!"  He also told the female "agent," as they were about to escort him off stage, "Wait, wait, wait," so that he could pose for the fist raised "Fight! Fight! Fight!" photo op.


As you watch the videos, pay particular attention the crowd, the "police" and "secret service agents," and how clumsy they are all.  They can’t all be incompetent DEI hires.  They are actors.


Pay attention to the lady behind Trump, who is very stoic, takes her phone out, and starts filming the entire episode.  Supposedly she is Janeen DiGuiseppi, the Assistant Director of the FBI Insider Threat Office.  Curious.  Of course, the fact checkers and FBI deny that she was there… 

Also note the photographers and how perfectly iconic the photos are, especially the three just below.  Notice how perfectly composed they are.  There is also extremely strong occult symbolism is the framing of the photos by Vucci and Moneymaker, the upright triangle being associated with among other things,

The upright triangle represents solar power, or in the Hellenic tradition, the element of fire. The ancient deities that were affiliated with the sun were done so in order to convey the symbolism of strength and power (e.g. the Egyptian gods Horus and Ra, or the goddess Isis). The association of power and the sun eventually finds its way into a symbol for male power. This is appropriate since patriarchal-dominated societies are known for wars, primal urges, aggression and instantaneous flare ups.


Photo by Evan Vucci

Photo by Anna Moneymaker


Coincidence in the framing of the two photos?  I think not.


Perfectly composed photo by Brendan McDermid.


And speaking of iconic photos, isn’t it curious that Doug Mills, who supposedly caught the photo of the bullet whizzing by Trump’s ear was the same photographer who photographed the aide whispering to President George Bush on September 11, 2001?



There is also the fact that if the Secret Service did take out Crooks, there is a very inconsistent amount of damage to his cranium that would have been done by a direct shot, as pointed out by Dr. Mollie James and Youtuber Brandon Herrera


To be fair, Herrera does demonstrate that Trump’s ear could have indeed been pierced by a bullet; however, he doesn’t address the lack of blood issue, as so clearly pointed out by @TomFarrar on Gabb,

But really, THIS photo, would be / should be evidence enough to prove TRUMP was not hit in the ear by a high-powered rifle bullet. His hair, which he worships, is not ruffled or even touched by the rifle round traveling 2,181.8182 Miles per Hour. . and the blood spray / splatter / trail would have been evident by crimson red pigmentation all through the hair behind his ear.

Compare his comments and the slow-motion video of the ear piercing at the 7:59 mark in Herrera’s video.


Finally, @Lateralus1 has a rather scathing comment about Trump’s acceptance speech at the RNC, but look at this overlay of it with @C3PMeme’s video.  Cheesy and over the top is but a mild description.


So, the question is, if it was all staged, why?  Note that just days from the RNC convention, Trump had now been elevated even beyond his already popular position to that of a heroic demigod, even though he did absolutely nothing heroic.  Keep in mind that the candidates are selected by power brokers and notice how Musk, Zuckerberg, etc., are now lining up behind Trump.  Notice his choice for VP. Notice how it's forbidden to question the narrative.

Rima E Laibow, MD, gets into some more analysis in her articles I Call Bullshit 2.0 Why Would Team Trump Fake An Assassination Attempt? C'mon! It's Really Obvious!, which discusses in depth his failings with COVID and how he hasn’t ever acknowledged those, and Just What Kind of Pressure is Being Applied Here?, which goes into more detail about the “wound.” The crux of her thesis, which I agree:

So my hypothesis is that the fake theatrical “assassination attempt” was created specifically to deflect the critical gaze of his followers away from any liability that Dear Leader Trump has for his disastrous vaccine death program and turn him into a Glorious Hero who braved death for his beloved countrymen. And Glorious Heros can do no wrong and cannot be criticized for anything that they did or did not do since their former sins are washed away in the baptismal font of heroism and danger survived.

I was the Protocol Officer at the U.S. Naval Support Activity, Naples, Italy from May 2002 to December 2004, where I always had to coordinate with both U.S. and Italian security forces on DV visits. The highest level visit we had was the then acting Secretary of the Navy. My commanding officer (CO) had bought non-refundable tickets for his daughter's college graduation back in the states. So confident was he, and his boss, an admiral, in my and my staff's coordination, that the admiral let him go to his daughter's graduation with the executive officer standing in for the CO. The point is, I know just a wee bit about how these affairs are organized.

Crooks obviously did not act alone, in all likelihood, is not actually dead, and had some rather interesting connections as pointed out by The Oversight Project.  His house was apparently scrubbed prior to investigation, and now, right on cue, Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle has resigned, and of course they are now asking Trump to stop holding outdoor rallies.

The Trump "assassination" attempt was an inside job, yes. But it was not the type of inside job the MSM, which is being fed by the Intel Community, wants you to believe - that there was just a breakdown in communications, lapses of judgment, DEI hire failures, and a lone 20 something, who had no social media presence made his way thru layers of security to take a shot at a former president. There are far, far too many breaks in protocol for it not to have been staged. When one considers how D.C. operates in siloed information by design (go deep) and how the CIA has been running productions/operations for decades, as described below, it is not only possible, but highly probable that certain agencies were involved in staging this event and that most inside D.C. have zero clue about it.

Finally, there is the Zionist Jew connection, something very few are willing to discuss.  However, consider all the Jews surrounding Trump, and the fact that he covertly converted in 2017And what was going on at the RNC? The Biden administration has moved away from Israel, even refusing to have POTUS or the VP preside over Netanyahu's speech to congress this week.

In discussing the 1912 election in FDR - My Exploited Father-In-Law, written in 1967, Curtis B. Dall, makes the following observation on pages 137 and 138 (italics in original, boldface emphasis added):

Whereupon the leaders and Advisors went into "the back room" of headquarters, shut the door, and "had a big belly laugh!" Someone would then ask, "How is our other candidate doing?"
The other candidate was Theodore Roosevelt, the Bull-Moose Leader. Hence, the strong support of that "steering committee" in the 1912 election went out to both Woodrow Wilson and Theodore Roosevelt who had lined up against President Taft. It appeared that President Taft had not been very receptive and disapproved of the political desires expressed by certain pro-Zionist political leaders here in respect to U.S. relations with Russia.

These shenanigans have been going on far to long folks. Standby for the swamp to be backfilled.

Keep calm, prepare for the worse, and pray for the best.

Namaste folks,

🥃 🥃


July 23, 2024

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