Dear Mr. Jason Goldberger,
My girlfriend and I went into the Huntersville, NC, store today, which, sadly, is going out of business.
For both civil liberties and health reasons, we refuse to wear face masks. One of the staff asked us if we had masks, we said no and that we could not wear one. We went about our business for a few minutes. Then, the store manager aggressively approached us and demanded that we put face masks on. We attempted to explain that we had health issues and were exempt under the ADA. She insisted, refusing to listen to our explanation and started demanding that we leave the store. I told her that we’d take our business elsewhere; and simultaneously, my girlfriend, who was aghast manager’s belligerent demeanor, dropped the two small spatulas she had intended to purchase on the floor. As we left, with the angry manger right behind us, she repeated that they were at the mercy of the corporation who pays their paychecks, and pulled the door closed behind us.
What was so sad was the total fear in both ladies’ eyes, posture, and psyche. Fear of the Crayola Virus, aka COVID-19, fear of retaliation from the state, fear of retaliation from the corporation. The last part is particularly disheartening since the store was already going out of business…
Sir, your mask policy in this non-pandemic, is morally reprehensible, medically unethical, and illegal. First, the COVID-19 non-pandemic is just that, a non-pandemic. Furthermore, face masks literally do nothing to stop the spread of any virus. Finally, wearing a face mask makes a human hypoxic (decreased blood O2) and hypercapnic (increased blood CO2); both conditions markedly decrease brain and immune system response. Without understanding the lack of efficacy against viral transmission, and without understanding the harmful effects of face masks, let alone the specific medical condition of each individual employee and customer, and without the due process of legislation, La Sur Table is practicing medicine without a license, as are the politicians and so-called public health officials who issue executive orders to the same effect. Even if the mask mandate had been vetted via the process of legislation, it would be challengeable and suspect due to the morality and medical issues.
I strongly suggest you read the articles below, start educating yourself, rescind your corporate mask policy and start being part of the solution to this madness rather than part of the problem.
For the record, this letter has been submitted via the corporate website, but I am posting it here, on FaceBook and Parler because I am absolutely fed up with the stupidity, complicity and lack of critical thinking that has overcome our society and in fact the globe.
Finally, I find it disgusting that so many have willingly given up the rights and freedoms that I, and so many others, have fought so hard for all to have.
Mark Stansell
LCDR, USN (ret)
Endnote & Postscript
This was my sixth article on LinkedIn, originally published on September 5 or 6, 2020, and republished here on February 02, 2021.
In the original article, the links above were to my LinkedIn articles, which I've redirected to the postings herein. There was also a fourth link to a LinkedIn post concerning the mortality rates due to COVID-19, which is now dead.
The letter is addressed to Mr. Jason Goldberger, who is the CEO of Sur La Table. In the LinkedIn article, I tagged Mr. Goldberger, who I know at least looked at my profile. Also, as I recall, eight to ten folks from the company read the article. I never received a response from Sur La Table, neither from the corporate contact form, nor from the LinkedIn, Facebook, or Parler postings.
Mark Stansell