There are two anti-vax bills currently in the West Virginia Legislature. SB 23, "COVID-19 Vaccine Restrictions Act" and HB 40 30, "Establishing that companies requiring vaccine mandates lose immunity protection." Both have merit. However, they don't go far enough, but they are a start.
If you live in West Virginia, please copy the letter below and email your representatives. Be sure to paste with formatting to capture the embedded links. And don't forget to add your name.
It is also productive to email at least the chairs and vice chairs of both the Health and Human Resources Committee and the Judicial Committee. I've spoke to several delegates already, and they are very receptive to hearing your voice and moving these bills across the finish line. Here are links for the state senators, delegates, senate HHR members, house HHR members, senate Judiciary members, and house Judiciary members.
You can send one email to all, addressing as many as you feel necessary.
Dear Senators and Delegates,
To the Senate Health and Human Resource Chairs and Vice Chairs: I would urge you to delete the exceptions provision of SB 23 (§16-65-5. Exceptions.) in aggregate. (See Larger Discussion below as to why.) Then bring the bill to the floor for a vote. To the House Workforce Development Committee and House Health and Human Resources Committee Chairs and Vice Chairs: I urge you to bring both HB 4030 and HB 4031 to the floor for a vote To all Senators and Delegates: Even as they bills currently stand, I urge you to vote YES on:
SB 23
HB 4030
The Larger Discussion These bills are an excellent step in the right direction. However, they do not go far enough. The last two years of the COVID scamdemic has been an abject failure of nearly all levels of government. The proper, and indeed the only, function of any government in this still constitutional republic is the protection of INDIVIDUAL rights as suciently penned by Thomas Jefferson in the the Declaration of Independence. Despite the common misunderstanding, and abuse, of the "general/common welfare" phrases in both the US and WV constitutions as authorizing governments to to usurp individual rights in the name of collective rights, a complete reading of both shows that the enumerated powers in each to be clearly in line with that simple concept penned Mr. Jefferson. Allowing collective rights to take precedence over individual rights is a straight path to the hell of tyranny. When you read a bill, and step onto the House or Senate floors, your overriding mindset must be, "How does this bill help protect individual rights?" The most scared individual right is that of bodily integrity. Neither the state, nor an employer, nor an individual has any right whatsoever to demand that any individual take any drug, any medical procedure, or any vaccine without fully informed consent of the individual. To demand otherwise smacks of coercion, tyranny, and a blatant disregard for the sanctity of bodily integrity. This is why I say the bills do not go far enough. SB 23 stops short and limits only government agencies from demanding the COVIDVax. Likewise with HB 4031, which only limits the state from mandating masks. HB 4030 does remove the limit on liability for employers who mandate the COVIDVax. However, all stop short in limiting the state or removing immunity only for the current EUA incarnations of the COVIDVaxs. What happens when the FDA approves any of these gene therapies, which is what the COVIDVaxs actually are? Allowing the state and employers to promulgate medical mandates, passports, etc., essentially says that say that all human beings are property of the state or employer an in doing so makes a mockery of everything this country and the State of West Virginia is supposed to stand for! Your ultimate goal as legislators should be to outlaw any and all medical mandates in the state of West Virginia. Let me repeat that, your ultimate goal as legislators should be to outlaw any and all medical mandates in the state of West Virginia. This includes childhood vaccines for school, any any all vaccine passports, employer mandated vaccines, mask mandates, etc. The only, the only, medical mandates that remotely bear any semblance of staying on the books would be those restricting, or testing for, alcohol and illicit substances, which are known to impair judgement, for the operation of motor vehicles, aircraft, trains, and other assorted machinery. All the rest properly belong between the physician and patient, not the state, nor the employer. Only then will the sanctity of bodily integrity, and freedom, be preserved with this state. What has accelerated to a boil over the last two years, although slowly simmering for the last century, is a directed attempt at steering governments worldwide, and in particular those of the USA, away from the protection of individual rights toward a collectivist, global, elitist, government, and serfdom, thru the use of medical mandates, all in the name of the "common good." It is intentionally driven by fear mongering, data manipulation, and outright lies. In an extremely brief overview of the facts of the last two years:
The CDC has been manipulating COVID data for the better part of two years.
COVID has an aggregate survival rate of 99.9%
PCR tests are worthless.
Masks do not stop viral transmission. In fact they cause hypoxia and hypercapnia, both of which decrease immune response and cognitive capability. Hypercapnia, in particular, elevates fear response.
The COVIDVax causes more harm than good, in fact, it kills, it does not prevent SARS-Cov-2 transmission, and it destroys the immune system.
VAERS reports are asymptotically thru the roof since Dec 2020 when the COVIDVax campaign began, which correlates to a blatantly deadly product.
In light of all the above, and much more, is why I recommend removing the verbiage on exceptions of SB 23 (§16-65-5. Exceptions.). There is absolutely zero justification for the state of West Virginia to continue to facilitate "the distribution, dispensing, administration, coordination, or provision of an emergency COVID-19 vaccine." None. In light of the facts, to continue to do so places the state in aggregate in the morally, ethically, and legally indefensible position of "intentional conduct with actual malice." If you have not read at least one of the books below, or at a minimum listened to the interview with Dr. Robert Malone by Joe Rogan, then you have little understanding of the dangerous game that is being played. I strongly suggest that you get busy... It is far past time to end the charade at this point you are either part of the solution or you are part of the problem. It is really that simple.
COVID Operation: What Happened, Why it Happened and What’s Next, Pamela A Popper and Shane D Prier
The Truth About COVID-19: Exposing The Great Reset, Lockdowns, Vaccine Passports, and the New Normal, Joseph Mercola , Ronnie Cummins , et al.
The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Dr. Robert Malone interview by Joe Rogan and transcript
Always open to discuss this subject... Kind regards and keep moving in the right direction,
Beating this COVID insanity at the local level is the only way we are going to get out of this. The feds are gone, and only by asserting our rights under the 9th and 10th amendments, as well as civil non-compliance, will we start to roll back their overreach.
Please pass this around to others and have them do the same. The more the representatives understand how fed up people are, the more they will be inclined to actually pay attention and do our bidding, for if the don't, we WILL get rid of them from office, one way or another, and get someone in who will. The representative on the Judiciary Committee, with whom I spoke with today, was very encouraged to hear from folks in the state and is extremely supportive of these bills. Let's get this done!
If you live in another state, please investigate what bills are being considered in your state and brow beat your representatives. By all means, please, please, please, adapate the letter above to your own state's situation. I'm will to bet that most states have similar verbiage in the statues above suffocation and you will be able to make a similar argument.
Namaste folks, thanks for reading, keep fighting the tyranny,
Jan 28, 2022