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COVID and Your Inner Nazi

COVID provides the perfect excuse for anyone to let their inner Nazi come out!


Late last summer, my fiancé received a jury duty summons. Although we live in a fairly conservative area, it is on the north side of Mecklenburg County, NC, which is under the control of minions loyal to the communist installed Czar Copper, who has persisted spewing forth copious amounts of COVID nonsense, including mask order after mask order.[1] We both know the COVID mask is about control, not health, but more importantly, wearing one severely impacts her ability to breath. In fact, she nearly fainted the last time she went to the doctor and the moron nurse made her do a treadmill stress test wearing a face mask! God only knows how low her blood O2 level was!

So, she emailed the court, asking if they were requiring masks in the courtroom, to which they replied they were, and gave her an extension until late October. In October, she again emailed the court about the masking requirements, with the same results; this time with the extension to the first week in January. Last week, she emailed again. This time the bureaucrats on the other end told her that she had used up her deferrals and that if she could not wear a mask, she must provide a doctor’s excuse. She was livid!

After emailing back and forth several times, always with the court’s email signed simply, “The Jury Management Team,” she finally asked to speak with a supervisor. She also explained that because I had lost my job at the end of August, and that we were in the process of moving to West Virginia, where my new job awaits later in the month, that jury duty at this time would be a hardship.

The Jury Management Team’s reply was curt, stating only that she had to report for jury duty, that she must have a doctor’s excuse if she can’t wear a mask, and referred her to the county order on masking.[2] My lady has little tolerance for stupidity, especially with her past life as a police officer. She let loose an expletive laced email,

What in the fuck is wrong with you people? Have you no compassion? No soul? What don't you understand about me not being able to breath in a mask and cannot go back to the doctor to get a goddamned note because I can't wear a mask without having respiratory distress? Are you completely stupid?
I'm in the process of moving to another state as well. Now I will have to take time off work and have my legal cases reassigned, losing money (as the sole household provider after my fiance lost his job) and impacting my health. This is unbelievable! I am former law enforcement and military, I am not skirting my responsibilities as a citizen - I have several circumstances right now that makes this really bad timing but most of all what wearing a mask does to my health and ability to breathe.
Your lack of compassion and stupidity are astounding. Did you really speak to a supervisor and are they as ignorant as you?

That finally got their attention and she was able to actually speak to a human.

For the moment, set aside all the ills and illegalities of masking orders and look at the verbiage in the county order, with emphasis added:

B. Exceptions. Face Coverings do not need to be worn by someone who:

(1) Should not wear a Face Covering due to any medical or behavioral condition or disability (including, but not limited to, any person who has trouble breathing,…)

Anyone who declines to wear a Face Covering for these reasons should not be required to produce documentation or any other proof of a condition.

The county order specifically states no documentation requirements. In fact, the supervisor my fiancé spoke to was entirely UNAWARE of this point. The court, as a public entity, is not permitted to make up its own rules on these matters, as a private employer might be. Nonetheless that is exactly what someone in the court had done. Some unnamed, faceless bureaucrat had taken it upon themselves to add the doctor’s note “requirement.”

Her pointed email and subsequent discussion caused such a ruckus that all the supervisors had a meeting with the court general counsel to review the masking requirements.

The point of this detailed example is to illustrate that in times past, B.C. (Before COVID), remember those days, people would not have thought to act this way. Before COVID, we would be surprised to see:

And the list goes on…

You see, COVID gives anyone who is inclined the perfect excuse to act like a little tyrant, a complete asshole, without regard for the human being standing in front of them, or on the other end of the phone or email, and act as if they are nothing more than a life-sucking parasite. COVID is the perfect cover for all inclined, from the CEO all the way to a clerk on the floor of a store, to let their inner Nazi come out. The state gives them total backing to do so, and their conscious is relieved.


Hitler was something of a genius at understanding the human psyche, people’s innate deference to authority, and how to use propaganda. Let’s look at just two quotes from Mein Kampf, which show he understood precisely that unburdening the populace’s conscious, and providing them with a target, a parasite, the Jews, would mobilize them into action.

When the individual is no longer burdened with his own consciousness of blame in this regard, then and only then will he have that inner tranquillity and outer force to cut off drastically and ruthlessly all the parasite growth and root out the weeds.[3]
(The Jew) is and remains a parasite, a sponger who, like a pernicious bacillus, spreads over wider and wider areas according as some favourable area attracts him. The effect produced by his presence is also like that of the vampire; for wherever he establishes himself the people who grant him hospitality are bound to be bled to death sooner or later.[4]

But probably the single factor that Hitler understood, and coined the term for, was the use of the BIG LIE and cognitive dissonance, well before that term was coined! (Emphasis added below).

…the principle--which is quite true in itself--that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying. These people know only too well how to use falsehood for the basest purposes.[5]

So, what we have going on with COVID are a couple of BIG LIES:

And these BIG LIES are being used systematically with maleficence by Fauci, Collins, Gates, Soros, Schwab, Walensky, Ghebreyesus, et al to emotionally manipulate and unburden the conscious of weak minded individuals to do their bidding and enforce their tyranny – just like Hitler and the Nazis did. Exactly like the Nazis did. And when the weak minded are presented with the facts, they go into a state of cognitive dissonance, just as Hitler predicted, and continue acting as little tyrants. You see, the big tyrants can’t have their way without the help of the little tyrants.


There is a story, Sing a Little Louder, written by Penny Lea, yet based on facts that bears repeating here. The story was made into a short film several years ago by Catholic Witnesses, Inc. to bring attention to the rampant genocides, including abortion, that continue to occur around the world.


When I got fired last summer, I told my boss,

You and I both know where this is going, and I’m not talking about my particular situation. You have to look in the mirror and decide how you are going to answer your grandkids in 20 years when they ask you about your role in the COVID wars. Did you fight for freedom, or did you comply with the tyrants?

Well, we know how he answered that question.

The question for you dear reader, is how will you answer it? Will you live in fear, vilifying your neighbor because of COVID? Will you look the other way as the police beat them for not wearing a mask? Will you sing a little louder as they are hauled off to the COVID isolation facility? Will you let your inner Nazi come out?

Or, will you stop participating and complying with the tyrants’ dictates and fight for freedom? Will you help prove Dr. Mark McDonald wrong:

(In) humanity as a whole, I have lost actually quite a degree of faith. I believe that, although there have always been corrupt individuals, we've seen corrupt rulers throughout human history, the fact that humans, as a group, have allowed them, in the last couple of years now, to gain such a foothold and an ascendancy through their own compliance, voluntarily says to me that humanity does not have, at least not now, the inherent capacity to resist true evil to the degree that I believe that it had.

As Pam Popper so aptly asked in her video today, “What is Your Limit?” As I’ve been saying for nearly two years now,

It doesn’t stop until enough people stop participating.

The choice is yours…

Namaste folks, thanks for reading, and keep fighting the tyranny, Mark

🥃🥃 January 6, 2022


References (not hyperlinked within)

[1] Relevant excerpts from NC 2021 Executive Orders concerning COVID Masking

  • Paragraph 1.2, Exceptions, that, "... other activities constituting the exercise of First Amendment rights are exempt from all requirements of this Executive Order, ...."

  • Paragraph 2.3, Exemptions, lists multiple exceptions to the face mask requirement, specifically including the verbiage that in subparagraph 2.3.a., "Should not wear a Face Covering due to any medical or behavior condition or disability (including, but not limited to, any person who has trouble breathing, ....)" and that, "Anyone who declines to wear a Face Covering for these reasons should not be required to produce documentation or any other proof of a condition."

  • Paragraph 1.2, Exceptions, that, "... other activities constituting the exercise of First Amendment rights are exempt from all requirements of this Executive Order, ...."

  • Section 2 states in the second paragraph, "In all settings where Face Coverings apply, the exceptions listed in Sections 2.3 to 2.5 of Executive Order No. 209 apply. Otherwise, the Face Covering requirements in Executive Order No. 209 are rescinded."

  • Section 3 lists venues where the Face Covering mandate still applies, to which the court falls within NONE:

  1. Schools

  2. Child care facilities

  3. Children’s day or overnight camps

  4. Certain health care settings like long term care centers

  5. Public or private transportation regulated by the State of North Carolina and North Carolina airports, bus and train stations or stops

  6. Prisons and establishments that are providing shelter to people experiencing homelessness

  7. Establishments that are providing shelter to people experiencing homeless

  8. Private businesses

Echos nearly verbatim the requirements and exemptions of EO 215.

Paragraph 1.2.b. "Face Covering Exception" means any of the exceptions from wearing Face Coverings listed in Section 2.3 of Executive Order No. 209 and any of the exceptions from wearing Face Coverings during exercise listed in the bullet points within Section 2.4 of Executive Order No. 209. Those portions of Executive Order No. 209 are incorporated into this Executive Order, but only for the purpose of serving as exceptions to Face Covering requirements and recommendations.

Extended EO 224 through November 29, 2021

Extends EO 224 thru January 5, 2022

[2] Relevant excerpts from the current Mecklenburg County Mask Order

B. Exceptions. Face Coverings do not need to be worn by someone who:

(1) Should not wear a Face Covering due to any medical or behavioral condition or disability (including, but not limited to, any person who has trouble breathing,…)

Anyone who declines to wear a Face Covering for these reasons should not be required to produce documentation or any other proof of a condition. Everyone is asked to tell the truth and if they are healthy and able to wear a mask-to wear a Face Covering so that they do not put other people at risk of serious illness and death.

[3] Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, translation by James Murphy. (, 1939), 32.

[4] Ibid. 253.

[5] Ibid. 196.

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