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Australian Gun Confiscation, Melbourne, and the COVID Police State

Commentary from Helvidius Priscus on the Australian Gun Confiscation Act of 2002, recent events in Melbourne, and implications for the U.S. in a COVID Totalitarian Police State.


Following mass shooting incidents in 1999 and 2000 the Australian Federal Government passed severe gun control which led to gun confiscation of privately owned weapons, both voluntarily and involuntarily as well as extensive restrictions of firearm ownership after a mandatory "buy-back" by the Federal Government.

Fast forward 19 years later and the Federal Government of Australia has gone full totalitarian with COVID lockdowns for 200 + days, massive restrictions of the rights of their citizens across the board and the imposition of what amounts to Martial Law in many areas and a totalitarian police state in those areas that are not under formal Martial Law.

All are encouraged to watch the full 8 minute 15 second video of the recent protests / riots in Australia, keeping in mind that now the citizens are, through their own naive ignorance of human history, human ego and the commensurate lust for power that inevitably seduces, are completely disarmed while attempting to resist a totalitarian police state.

Freedom given over is inevitably extremely difficult to regain, particularly without an extremely high cost to both life and treasure.

The moral of the story is that tyranny in general should always be resisted, particularly tyranny against the 2nd Amendment, as it alone has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with hunting or even personal / individual defense, but rather as that final bulwark between liberty and tyranny.

~ End Message ~

25 August 2021


Thanks to Helvidius Priscus for his continued contributions. Folks need to wake up to the insidious nature of statism and the actual reasons for the Second Amendment.

Namaste folks and keep fighting the tyranny!


August 27, 2021

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