Musings on politics, COVID, the Constitution, history, the band Rush and who knows what else...
Trump Wasn’t Really Shot
Pain Has No Voice
Yes Virginia, Bass Players are Human Too.
Mr. Clyde’s Midnight Forest Adventure…
How to End Vaccine Mandates — A History Lesson
COVID and Your Inner Nazi
A Most Unorthodox Christmas Story
Mass Psychosis Is a Real Global Pandemic
Master Sergeant Joseph Gary Stansell
Dear Lost Soul
Secretary Powell at Lunch
Khan, Eugenics, COVID, & “Imbeciles”
The COVID War Memes
Let the Women Speak
Australian Gun Confiscation, Melbourne, and the COVID Police State
Commentary on the Fall of Afghanistan and its Implications for Us All
Tales of Training Afghan SMW Pilots
Over the Time Horizon
Over the Horizon – A Book Review
The Great Vaccine Coercion